[SIZE="3"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]It is a windy day here in Scotland and it brings to mind as I sit here thinking (it does happen some times) that sometimes we ourselves are blown about by the ideas and expectations of others. Many people who are new to the concept of D/s or whatever you would call it find themselves in the library as a result of curiosity. Indeed how I found myself here. And when you are new and unsure it can be a hugely daunting place to be. Many ...
Updated 07-11-2010 at 02:52 PM by Red Dragon {mpellegrino}
The roots of our society are patriarchal, an environment where a male-dominated society was perceived as normative. Gender roles were narrowly construed. Women, the “weaker sex” were cast in the submissive role. Males were portrayed as the socially powerful, physically strong and aggressive gender. The movement towards gender equality and flexibility has been slow. Being Raised as a Male ...
Updated 07-09-2010 at 01:24 PM by serviam {PixieStick}
[SIZE="4"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]First - once you have read my blog - You MUST read 'serviam's' it is just brilliant. [B]Scottish Word: Rank, Rank Rotten Meaning : Smells or tastes bad That's pure rank so it is./This Guinness tastes like weasel piss that's six months past its sell by date - get another round in.[/B] Right - Last night I had a really ice time with someone online. It was not what you are all thinking you mucky ...
Stage six of the well-known stages of BDSM growth, is the “Partner Search” stage. For the submissive that means beginning an active search for a dominant to submit to and to fill that often intense longing, “I want to be trained.” For novice submissive males, stage six is the next step in the logical progression from the previous five stages: discovery, over coming fears, the first steps of ...
Updated 07-09-2010 at 01:25 AM by serviam {PixieStick}
Chastity is another meaningful lifestyle activity that I enjoy. I suppose I feel a strong attraction for it because to me chastity has so much to do with being controlled and being in control. In a D/s relationship, being required to remain chaste by a Domme gives her control one of the most intimate aspect of life, sexual expression and pleasure. Within the context of the lifestyle, chastity ...
Updated 07-07-2010 at 03:04 PM by serviam {PixieStick}
Fantasies, at least in my opinion are one of the more fascinating aspects of human sexuality. They provide depth and dimesion to a person’s sexuality in ways that perhaps no other singular things can do. Sharing fantasies with another person is in my experience an excellent way of getting acquainted because it promotes honest, intimate disclosure. When a person shares a fantasy with you it reveals ...
She nearly stumbled in to the rest room. Glad there was no one else there she looked down at the box she held in her hand. She leaned back against the door, suddenly exhausted, her heart beating and wondering what the hell she was doing. After a moment she gathered herself and took a deep breath and went over to the wash basins. She stared at herself in the mirror. She almost didn't recognise herself. She looked... almost radiant, a blush over her and how provocative she thought she ...
This morning was yet another wonderful morning. It was warm and the sun shone below the clouds. Yet, another darn day in paradise. It is a tough life. Got to thinking about online punishments today. Something I have never really been into but I had my interest sparked last night. I prefer to reward rather than to punish. Well something to think about and savour. :) Not got a lot of time today so I wil crack on. So Scots: Randan (eg Go on the randan) ...
After a few moments, that seemed liked hours to Jenny, Steve spoke. "How do you feel Jenny?" He didn't ask so much for his own curiosity but because he wanted Jenny to be aware of what was happening and he wanted her to be conscious of the feelings she was going through. "Well Ste... Sir, I feel; a little scared. I feel excited in anticipation of something, but I don't know what." "Excellent Jenny, now I would like you to sit ...
I was deighted to find that the site has a blog option for members. It seemed taking advantage of it would be a good way to allow others here, if interested, to get acquainted with me. If you wish, you can read my introduction posted in the Submission Couch thread for general background information so I won't repeat all of that here. The first thing that should be pretty evident is that ...
Updated 07-06-2010 at 03:22 PM by serviam {PixieStick}